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The application of MIM powder metallurgy in the medical surgical instrument industry


With the development of industry technology, the scope of application of MIM powder metallurgy in various industries is becoming increasingly widespread.
1: The latest solution of MIM powder metallurgy technology in medical surgical knives
A research team from TomasBate University in the Czech Republic has developed a new MIM powder metallurgy surgical knife for ear, nose, and throat use, and the results were presented at the 8th International Conference on Materials Science held in Rome on November 7-9, 2015. The surgical knife handle can be designed with geometric dimensions according to the different oral shapes of patients, and the blade is embedded in the knife holder, making it easy to replace.
2: Application technology and materials of medical surgical knives
Medical surgical blades are prepared using MIM powder metallurgy technology, and the blade material is medical grade stainless steel. The most commonly used is austenitic 316L stainless steel, although other metals or ceramics can also be used. The handle of the knife can be prepared by traditional methods and can be reused. This disposable blade prepared by MIM powder metallurgy technology does not require additional disinfection and grinding costs, and will be widely used in the field of medical devices in the future.
3: The advantages of MIM powder metallurgy technology in the field of medical surgical instruments
MIM powder metallurgy technology can prepare various materials of medical surgical instruments, such as medical surgical forceps, surgical knives, and other medical surgical equipment. Through MIM powder metallurgy technology, many independent components can be integrated, reducing the number of parts and saving development time.

At present, modern medicine requires more and more precise and complex medical surgical instruments, which may be composed of many independent components mechanically combined. Traditional mechanical processing may cost more in terms of processing efficiency and cost. However, using MIM powder metallurgy technology for production will be very suitable.
