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The market potential of my countrys automotive powder metallurgy parts is huge


In recent years, China's automotive industry has maintained rapid development. At the same time, due to the long-term lack of demand for large quantities and high added value parts in China's powder metallurgy industry, there is no opportunity for the powder metallurgy industry to leverage its unique advantages, providing a good opportunity. Therefore, in the mid-1990s, powder metallurgy parts used in the automotive and motorcycle industries almost doubled in mass over a decade. The use of powder metallurgy parts for agricultural machinery industry with low added value has been almost halved. It can be seen that high value-added powder metallurgy parts are gradually shifting towards the automotive industry.
In the future, the market potential of automotive powder metallurgy parts in China will show explosive growth. According to data, the consumption of powder metallurgy products in the automobile manufacturing industry of developed countries accounts for the vast majority of their total production of powder metallurgy products, such as the United States accounting for 90%, Europe accounting for 80%, while China is currently less than 40%. The average usage of powder metallurgy products per car in Europe is 14kg, Japan is 16kg, and the United States has reached over 19.5kg. It is expected to reach 22kg in the next few years, while the current average usage of powder metallurgy products per car in China is only about 5kg. If calculated based on an annual production of 5 million vehicles, China uses approximately 25000 tons of steel powder for automotive parts throughout the year. If the usage of powder metallurgy products per vehicle in China reaches the European level, and the replacement of automotive powder metallurgy parts is added, then this alone requires nearly 100000 tons of steel powder, which is 1.25 times the current total demand for powder metallurgy.
Keywords: Automotive Powder Metallurgical Parts Powder Metallurgical Parts Powder Metallurgical Processing Metal Powder Metallurgy Yujiaxin Shenzhen Yujiaxin Yujiaxin Hardware